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How I Got Started

Hi, I'm Sarah, a Brit who's found a home in Switzerland and cherishes every moment. Life, with all its complexities, offers boundless opportunities for growth and fulfillment. Amidst personal and global challenges, I firmly believe in seizing the best life has to offer, or at the very least, striving for it.

Empowering oneself is pivotal.

Whether it's enhancing your career, achieving a better work-life balance, improving finances, nurturing family bonds, fostering relationships, indulging in personal passions, or undertaking the task of enhancing living spaces and creating special environments, clarity of goals and the journey toward them are paramount for success.

As an English teacher, Feng Shui advisor, massage therapist, and enthusiast for enhancing living spaces and creating special environments, I've gained insights from diverse realms, enriching my understanding of life's intricacies. My mission is to share these insights, along with recommended readings and valuable websites, to inspire others on their journey to fulfillment.

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